Safawi Dates Premium


Safawi is semi-dried dates that have a dry texture on the surface however are soft, dampish, and chewy on the within with a flavorsome and sweet style that increases once soaked in milk.

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Safawi Dates Benefits

Relief from constipation Safawi dates are nutritious and contain iron and calcium, both 1% per 20g f servings.

It has a high content of other nutrients, such as sulfur, magnesium, potassium, copper, Etc. 

A good amount of nutrients keep your digestion in good health and is effective in indigestion.

Intestinal disorder cure: It is rich in iron and calcium. 

A great health benefit of dates is that it helps in intestinal cure disorder. 

The essential nutrients help in preventing these disorders from taking place.

To maintain heart health: These dates have low-fat content and are high in other nutritious values, making them heart-friendly.

It keeps heart muscles strong and healthy.

Good for anemic people – Another benefit of Safavi dates is that it helps to cure Anemia. Instead of having so many medicines and undergoing surgeries.

It is best to have dates and include them in their diet.

Diarrhea: It has a balanced level of fiber and nutrients.

 Having dates daily and including them in their diet can be highly beneficial. Diarrhea is the worst kind of digestive disorder.

Also fully grown within the Madinah region of Saudi Arabia, Safawi dates area unit black in color and a full cousin to the Ajwa date.

They need the same sweetness, contain a high quantity of metal, and are typically compared to Medjool dates.

However, individuals with the polygenic disease typically select the Sawafi date rather than the favored Medjool date because Sawafi dates offer a smaller quantity of sugar.

It makes them more well-off to digest and helps cut back any spikes in glucose.

Safawi dates area unit one in every foremost normally consumed and simply on the market varieties.

They’re dark brown in color and approx size of a thumb 100g of those dates area unit roughly around 7pcs and provide you virtually four hundred calories, of which just about ninety-three percent are carbs.

It makes them calorie-made with the most supermolecule content thus:

Recommended: for individuals seeking weight gain.

Not recommended: for fat, diabetic patients, and people trying to check their calories

Safawi dates area unit is fully grown in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia within the region of Madinah and botanically referred to as date palm.

 There are three classifications of dates; dry, semi-dry, and soft; Safawi dates area unit of the semi-dry kind.

The Safawi tree is prized for productivity, creating Safawi dates more commercially on the market than several different date varieties.

Dates have been eaten up for hundreds of years for their medicative properties. 

it is even believed that feeding Safawi dates on an empty abdomen can kill abdomen worms.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

1kg, 250gm, 500gm


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