Mabroom Dates


They are rich in antioxidants. They maintain good overall body health and give vitality to all age groups of both sexes. Dates are free from cholesterol and have a low level of fats (0.2%) and sodium. Include dates in your diet to stay healthy and fit.

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They are a unique and highly nutritious variety of dates that are known for their delicious flavor and high nutritional content. They also have some lesser-known characteristics that make them a special and intriguing food item.

We suggest you explore the history and the traditional uses of Mabroom dates in medicine. You will see that these dates are definitely worth trying.

Mabroom dates can be consumed in a variety of forms, including fresh, dried, or in paste form. The paste is a concentrated source of the dates’ nutrients and minerals, making it a popular choice in traditional medicines. Additionally, Mabroom dates make for a great natural sweetener and can be used in cooking and baking as a healthier alternative to refined sugar.

Add them to smoothies, consume them in milkshakes, garnish your desserts with date slices, or just munch on them! The choice is yours.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

1kg, 250gm, 500gm


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